Kayla Buell – Ambassador started the topic Capsule Wardrobe – Saving Money By Not Buying Tons Of Clothes in the forum My journey 7 years, 1 month ago
Every January I go through my closet and separate clothes I haven’t worn in forever to donate to GoodWill. Today, I started that process, and it was shocking to me to see how much clothes I didn’t even remember I had – some pieces worn just once.
It’s crazy how much money we can spend on clothes. With every new season, there are tons of new…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador started the topic Savings Challenges For The New Year in the forum Grow your savings 7 years, 1 month ago
Happy New Year everyone! I’m not a huge “new years resolutions” kinda gal, but I do like to enter the new year with a financial plan to tackle over the next 12 months. This year will definitely be challenging for my husband and I as I’ll be staying home to take care of our little one and our income will be much less than what we’ve been used to.…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Unexpected Labor & Delivery Costs in the forum My journey 7 years, 1 month ago
Thank you, Carla! Yes, will definitely be working on increasing that emergency fund! 🙂
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Stock as a Christmas gift for kids in the forum Build your investments 7 years, 1 month ago
I love the idea of gifting kids money or some kind of investment that will grow in the future. I can’t wait for our little one to get old enough to understand the basic concepts of saving up for things and teaching her financial lessons along the way!
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Getting Rid of Gift Cards in the forum My journey 7 years, 1 month ago
How cool! I didn’t know you could sell gift cards online. That definitely makes sense. No point in holding onto a card that you’ll never use when you could trade it in for something else.
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic New Year's Money Resolutions in the forum SUM180: Our story 7 years, 1 month ago
Now that I’ll be taking care of our newborn, I’ll be cutting back on my hours meaning we’ll have a whole lot less income coming in. For that reason, we’ll be taking a much closer look at our budget and reducing as many unnecessary costs as possible.
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Maintenance Plans for Cars in the forum Manage your debt 7 years, 2 months ago
I’ve heard that these aren’t worth it, but I’ve honestly never really looked into them. This is the first car I’ve purchased so prior to this one all my leases included the maintenance, but I think I’d rather pay for what I actually DO need as opposed to throwing away money every month if I don’t need to.
Kayla Buell – Ambassador started the topic Unexpected Labor & Delivery Costs in the forum My journey 7 years, 2 months ago
Alright you guys. So our baby girl was born on Monday and this past week has been one of the roughest of my life. We love her tons and love that she’s finally here, but the labor and delivery process was definitely NOT what we expected.
We weren’t prepared for a lot of things that happened this week, including the fact that as soon as Riley was…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador started the topic Creating Retirement Goals in the forum Save for retirement 7 years, 2 months ago
I’m currently reading Chris Hogan’s book – Retire Inspired – and I just love it! One of the biggest takeaways so far has been the idea that no matter how old we are, we need to create a vision of what our retirement looks like.
Gone are the days when retirement was just for old people. Retirement isn’t something that we should only think of in…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Expense Trackers in the forum My journey 7 years, 2 months ago
I’ve tried all kinds of apps but my all-time favorite way of tracking my money is on a plain old Excel spreadsheet where I have to manually enter all of our information. It’s a little tedious at times, but I find that spending a little effort putting all that info in shows me that I’m committed to keeping track of our finances and that I’m making…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador started the topic Is It Okay To Establish A No-Christmas Presents Rule This Year? in the forum Grow your savings 7 years, 2 months ago
The hubby and I are expecting our first child in um… 2 days! Anyway, over the past few months we’ve been spending like crazy because of all the expenses that come with having a baby. Given that she’s due now and Christmas is right around the corner, would it be okay to let our families know that we’re not exchanging gifts this year? Or maybe…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Splitting The Bill in the forum Manage your debt 7 years, 2 months ago
Oh heck no! LOL 🙂 I have zero problem asking my friends for their share of whatever it is we agree to do. I think it’s just important to communicate all of the details up front. Before you make that reservation, say, “hey…I’m gunna put this on my card, but I need you guys to pay be back within x amount of days or I’ll be hounding you.” But I…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Negotiating Salary in the forum My journey 7 years, 2 months ago
I think the biggest thing to keep in mind when negotiating a raise is that your employer should only give you a raise if you deserve one. Therefore, you’ve gotta go into any kind of meeting with your boss with clear examples of your successes and what makes you deserving of that raise. Did you increase sales by x percent? Did you reduce costs by x…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador started the topic Is Pet Insurance Worth It? in the forum My journey 7 years, 2 months ago
I’m legit a crazy cat lady, obsessed with my cat, Graham, but our poor sick kitty is costing the hubby and I a fortune. He’s only about 7 years old and unfortunately he’s been diagnosed with some kidney issues, so we’re at the vet at least every two months and his treatment is averaging about $200+ every visit.
With our new baby arriving any day…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Officially Unsubscribing From Promotional Emails in the forum My journey 7 years, 2 months ago
Hahaha I love that analogy! The two definitely don’t mix!
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic I thought this was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year… in the forum My journey 7 years, 2 months ago
Yes! I’m with you right there! The other day our A/C broke and we had to come up with $300+ to fix that…then a few weeks later, our cat’s emergency vet visit set us back another $300. Definitely stresses me out when I have to deal with these unexpected expenses during the holidays, but at least you’ve got a little emergency fund that should…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador started the topic Officially Unsubscribing From Promotional Emails in the forum My journey 7 years, 2 months ago
Over the last 48ish hours, I’ve probably received over 500 emails from retailers I’ve subscribed to in the past. SAVE NOW! HURRY THIS OFFER WON’T LAST LONG! 50% OFF BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND! That’s literally all I’ve seen in my inbox for days. And you know what? Reading those e-mails has cost me money because yea, I’m a sucker for a good deal!
After…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Pay off Debt or Save for Retirement in the forum Manage your debt 7 years, 2 months ago
I’m on the Dave Ramsey plan and yep – that’s what he teaches. Pay off debt before contributing to retirement. I’m currently in the same boat because I’m contributing to retirement and still have about $12k of debt left to pay (my car). I’m trying to convince my hubby to temporarily stop our retirement contributions until we’ve finished paying off…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Holiday Traveling in the forum My journey 7 years, 2 months ago
Oooo a pup on a plane is definitely going to be an extra expense. I have a lot of friends who swear by AirBnB to save money on their out-of-town stays. I think that sites like Groupon and Living Social also have pretty good deals on hotels too. As far as flights go, I just try to book as far in advance as possible, but I haven’t done much…[Read more]
Kayla Buell – Ambassador replied to the topic Rate Shopping for Your Savings in the forum Grow your savings 7 years, 2 months ago
Goodness I’ve had the same savings account since I was like 16 years old lol. When it comes to my regular banking accounts (checking/savings) the interest I earn on my savings is so little that I’ve never thought of looking to switch.
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