A healthy approach to dealing with your money isn’t always about focusing on big, long-term goals. Some of the most important things you can do regarding your money are simple tricks that build the foundation for your long-term financial wellbeing.

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The end of the year is a good time to hit the reset button in general. This includes taking stock of your financial picture, regardless of where you stand at the moment. And, in fact, if you’re feeling uncertain or worried about your financial picture, this step becomes even more important. Think of year-end as a time to step back, reflect, and reassess where you are financially – to take in the bigger picture – so you can make thoughtful, confident decisions about how to move forward in the coming year.

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If employers are choosing to focus on educating their employees on how to build and manage an investment portfolio, then, it’s vital to get it right. This means starting with and emphasizing the basics of building an investment portfolio that has, first and foremost, a strong and balanced core allocation to growth and income investments, with the right amount of cash holdings (not too much) and, only when that is in place, the addition of aggressive growth investments.

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For many of us, “home” means sanctuary, family, the place where we replenish ourselves, and feel safe and grounded. For this reason, when the time comes for us to choose and buy our own home, the decision is often deeply emotional – or even impulsive. With everything else that “home” means, however, it is also one of the biggest investments you will ever make. This means you must enter into it rationally, and with care.

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If you find yourself unable to pay off your credit card balance every month, then by definition you are living beyond your means. Allowing this situation to continue can have serious consequences for your financial security, now and into the future. Time to look for ways to adjust your spending!

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Many people deal with financial stress a lot like they deal with their health; that is, they ignore it for as long as possible and hope it works itself out. Even individuals who know what they should do are often unable to overcome the barriers that keep them from taking action.

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