Ignoring student loan debt won’t make it go away – your best chance is to make a plan to deal with it head-on. Your plan may involve taking advantage of any available assistance in consolidating, lowering costs through refinancing, and pursuing loan forgiveness programs. The goal is to pay down your student loan debt while simultaneously saving and strengthening your overall financial picture.

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Going into debt to further your education can be worth it – up to a point. But please do not assume that it is always the case. As with many other financial questions, whether student loan debt is “worth it” depends on the specifics, so you will need to crunch the numbers for your particular situation.

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When you’re fresh out of college and worrying about how to land your first job, it’s not easy to think about savings for emergencies, the future, and retirement. But believe it or not, you can take some simple steps right now that will jump start you on the path to financial security in your thirties. Invest some time and effort now and your future self will thank you, big time.

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For most of us, money represents security, so uncertainty related to money can really wreak havoc with our peace of mind. The trick is to find ways to work past the fear and stress, so you can keep moving towards your financial goals.

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We are in the Wild West phase of financial wellness. No one area of financial wellness is emphasized by a majority of employers. For employers tackling financial wellness in these early stages, here’s my advice for cutting through the confusion.

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