Imagine yourself feeling more secure and comfortable in the years to come when it comes to your finances. Making the right changes to your spending has the power make that happen. You can change the trajectory of your financial journey, and you can make the change starting now.

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A healthy approach to dealing with your money isn’t always about focusing on big, long-term goals. Some of the most important things you can do regarding your money are simple tricks that build the foundation for your long-term financial wellbeing.

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The end of the year is a good time to hit the reset button in general. This includes taking stock of your financial picture, regardless of where you stand at the moment. And, in fact, if you’re feeling uncertain or worried about your financial picture, this step becomes even more important. Think of year-end as a time to step back, reflect, and reassess where you are financially – to take in the bigger picture – so you can make thoughtful, confident decisions about how to move forward in the coming year.

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How a financial planner can help you is less about your chronological age and more about your circumstances or the life transitions you’re experiencing. For example, in your 30s, here are some situations where a financial planner can help you make sound decisions about your money.

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Being in sync when it comes to dealing with money is a big plus in any relationship, but it’s not always easy to achieve. Here are some tips to help you and your partner get on the same page financially.

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For most of us, money represents security, so uncertainty related to money can really wreak havoc with our peace of mind. The trick is to find ways to work past the fear and stress, so you can keep moving towards your financial goals.

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