Jennifer Medeiros started the topic In Debt: Getting Approved for a Loan in the forum Buy a house 8 years, 5 months ago
I’m in debt. Credit cards, installment debt, car loans, you name it, I owe it. I really want to purchase a house but every time I think about it, I move one step forward, two steps back. How much debt is acceptable when trying to purchase a home? Is there a specific kind of debt I need to completely eliminate? Also, how long do I need to show that…[Read more]
Jennifer Medeiros started the topic Revolving Debt vs. Installment Debt in the forum Manage your debt 8 years, 5 months ago
After receiving my credit score and looking over my open accounts, I am left with questions about which debt to pay down first. I have revolving debt in the form of credit cards. I also have installment debt in the form of a personal loan. The interest rates are similar. Which debt should I pay off first? Which looks better and can improve my…[Read more]
Jennifer Medeiros started the topic Saving When in Debt in the forum Save for retirement 8 years, 5 months ago
I would love to begin saving for my retirement. My only problem, I am in credit card debt up to my eyes. How do I save for retirement when trying to stay above water now?