Wow, that sounds like a real turning point, Kayla. Congratulations. I know exactly what you mean. The first time I did a spending tracking exercise, I was blown away and mortified to see where most of my money was going. (Wardrobe, eek. This was a long time ago…) I’m a visual person, so seeing my spending presented to me as a pie chart with a giant slice labeled “shoes” made a BIG impression. 😛
I’m struck in particular by your sentence, “It’s easy to look at your account balance and figure you’re doing okay if you have enough money to pay the bills.” Because that’s how it was for me, too. But when I saw where my money was actually going, I realized for the first time that it wasn’t enough just to be able to pay the bills. I wanted my money to go towards the things that mattered most to me. I started to save more, so I could travel more and look into becoming a freelancer… Spending less on stuff like clothes became easier when I knew where I was going to put those resources instead.
Anyway, congrats again to you and your husband on your breakthrough. Excited to hear where you take it from here!