Investment Property First?

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  • #3129

    Hi All,

    One of my clients went through a boot camp program for homeownership and decided that she wanted to invest in property for income before buying a home for herself. I always thought it would be wise to purchase a home for yourself and then acquire other properties. Then I thought, is there a reason to this order and does it matter which one comes first?

    I often think about my first home being a duplex where I could live in one part and have a tenant in the other. Have any of you purchased an investment property first? Is anyone renting property and if so, do you enjoy it?


    I think if you can find the right property, a duplex is a great idea!~ I have a friend that did this and the rental half is really helping her with the ownership.


    That makes sense. I love that its helping her create income while paying down the mortgage.

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