In line with my last post about Whole30 I also joined a gym at the beginning of the year, and while there are definitely cheaper options, like running outdoors for free, but I’m loving the group mentality of going to the YMCA.
I’ve actually sold several friends on the idea because of the added value of a membership at a Y. Our Downtown location here in Louisville offers everything from a free weight center to a multitude of led classes each and every day.
Those led classes are what have made the membership, and added financial responsibility, more than worth it to me. They’ve helped kick my butt into gear and allowed me to get back into decent shape in a much shorter time span than if I had just joined a gym and tried to tackle everything on my own.
So while I probably shouldn’t have added another bill to the list right off the bat in 2018, but I couldn’t be happier about how I’m feeling. Anyone else starting the new year off by investing in themselves first?