Gina Badalaty replied to the topic Setting Up a 401(k) Plan in the forum Build your investments 8 years, 11 months ago
Excellent! This is exactly the kind of help I need. We are planning to go to an advisor when the time is right, but this is helpful info. Individual 401(k) would be an option for me as a sole prop, while my husband might be eligible for SEP-IRA at his current contracting position. I didn’t know about lifecycle funds either. Thank you,, Cara, this…[Read more]
Gina Badalaty started the topic Setting Up a 401(k) Plan in the forum Build your investments 8 years, 11 months ago
My husband and I are both contractors, so something important for us is setting up a 401(k) plan on our own. We don’t have much experience in this and I wanted to ask how easy or difficult it is? Has anyone set this up as a freelancer, and is there anything important we should look out for when we start to do our research?