Brittanie Pyper started the topic Best Savings Account for Rapid Growth? in the forum Grow your savings 8 years, 5 months ago
We have a good amount of savings that we currently have in a money market account. It accrues interest but I wonder if there are any better alternatives? We don’t want our savings tied into something we cannot borrow or take out in case of an emergency. However, we’d love to see our money grow while it isn’t being used. Any great savings options?
Brittanie Pyper started the topic How to Buy a Home As a Small Business Owner? in the forum Buy a house 8 years, 5 months ago
My husband and I are on track to buy a house next year. By on track, I mean we can finally afford to do so. However, I’ve heard it is a nightmare as a small business owner to purchase a home and there are a lot of loops you are thrown through. I work full-time from home and my husband recently quit his full-time job to finish school and work with…[Read more]
Brittanie Pyper started the topic What is the best investment? in the forum Build your investments 8 years, 5 months ago
I won’t lie, the amount of investment opportunities available are overwhelming. Is there an easy guide that will spell things out in terms even those that know nothing about investments will understand? I want to make sure I am making the right and smartest decisions for my family and I.